March 31 – April 3rd
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Andrew “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better” – Samuel Beckett
Billy “Hope is the heartbeat of the soul” – Michelle Horst
Be sure to check out Ep23 with @KatrinaLColeman and learn more about the @MemComedyFest
I have been doing awesome! @douggillon
The freedom of freelance is awesome, but I can I get a job so I can do this comedy thing @douggillon
I might do PR in the Morning, Copywriting before lunch, and design in the afternoon #smallfirmperks @douggillon
When we started the Tuesday Show we just walked in and started a show @douggillon
We met the owners and told them what we wanted to do, and they were like yea sure whatever @douggillon
35 shows were sold out last year at the Comedy Fest. Best get your tickets now! @douggillon @MemphisComedy
Shout out to @holtermonster for the awesome work for the Comedy Festival @douggillon
We had over 300 submissions for the @ComedyFestival this yearl @douggillon
We want comics that are funny first and foremost @douggillon
There’s different kinds of comedy and at festivals there’s kind of this alt skew @douggillon
Everyone gets a chance to express themselves the way they want to @douggillon
1 + 1 = Funny #proprietary @douggillon
How do you get a bunch of comedians to laugh? @witzcreative @douggillon
I played the xylophone #drowninginit @douggillon
Xylophone, sounds like it starts with a z but it starts with an x, that’s a complex instrument @witzcreative to @douggillon
Xylophone, it’s a piano you hit with sticks @douggillon
I won a storytelling contest in 4th grade #youjelly? @douggillon
Would you rather teach in Korea or Shang Hai? @douggillon
.@BrianKelsey you are the worst @douggillon
I’ve always stayed busy doing something, with various levels of success in all of them @douggillon
You get caught up with what you/re in #whatwasgoingthroughyourmind #humanaspect @douggillon
Were you excited when you pumped your fist? No, I just do that @douggillon
He said, wow, that’s actually a good question @douggillon #mostimpressive #lookwhoaskedagoodquestion
I don’t wanna be the kind of person who steps back and said I did this or I did that because I’m creative it’s just how I think @douggillon
#needtobeheard #needtobeexpressed #notadick
I was a copywriter, that’s what I knew how to do, but it wasn’t enough to pay the bills @douggillon
If you’ve succeeded at anything, especially as an adult, you realize failure is the first step towards success @douggillon
Most comedians want to be heard more than they want to be loved @douggillon
Dicks are weird, and politics suck #GillionForPresident @douggillon
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