Leandra Urrutia, accomplished drafter, sculptor, teacher, eternal student, and Memphis Roller Derby girl. All kinds of nuggets and recurring themes. Market yourself, no one else will. Never stop learning, constantly push to progress more. Respect those who teach or else we’ll be without them. Also, being an artist, it takes a toll on the body, so be careful.
Saturday, August 9 at 6:00pm – 940 Early Maxwell Blvd, Memphis, Tennessee 38104
Leandra’s website – http://www.zhibit.org/leandraurrutia
Getting paid for art
Kevin Reuter – Rock Star Karaoke – https://www.facebook.com/memphisrockstarkaraoke
Spanish heritage, Leandra’s dad’s civil rights background
Learning/not learning spanish
Leandra in China
Meeting Leandra’s art teaching heroes
Teaching art, China has a respect for both hand crafted materials and for their educators
SHORT FILM: ALeb wants to do a film where a portraiture runs out of markers and up-plays the performance of loss.
Rita Kirkman – http://ritakirkman.com/
Leandra drew so much she got bored and learned left handed technique which made her more mindful of the drawing practice and slowed her down.
Tip – Puts implement in non-dominate hand, think about how you’d create the form then and then transfer implement back to dominate hand and begin.
Dangers of being an artist, the damages that can occur. – black lung, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalworker%27s_pneumoconiosis
Wear gloves when mixing gloves.
“Welcome to art school, here’s your helmet.”
Memphis Roller Derby
Cherry the Queen Brawler
Jerry the King Lawler – http://www.kingjerrylawler.com/
Rollercon – http://rollercon.com/
Learn the skill and also consider the content
Market yourself, Basquiet again
If you’re not putting yourself out there, no one’s gonna come find you.
Don’t become your biggest collector.
Memphis potters guild – http://www.thememphispottersguild.com/
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